Hey everyone, I LOVE YOU!

So, this week was very good! We had zone conference with President Zarbock which was awesome. I love President Zarbock so much! He is so inspired.

Last night, I went back in for another operation on my toe. They cut more of it off because of the infection. It is all good now, and I can still walk.

I see this toe thing as a great blessing because in the processes I have LEARNED TO SWALLOW PILLS!  #Miracles! ha-ha

The work is going well, “U” is so close to baptism.  She just needs to finish chewing betel nut and legalize her marriage, and then she is good to go. She is pushing for this Saturday so keep your fingers crossed… I am so excited for her!

“S” is also doing awesome! She reads the Book of Mormon every day and just loves it! She is set for baptism in November.

I love the plan of salvation because it always reminds me, why I am here on earth. I CHOSE to come here. To become like my Father in Heaven. I had full knowledge that this experience on earth would include going through trials and hardships.

I love trials! That might sound a little weird but trials are the reason we came here. Through the experience of overcoming trials, we can develop Christ like attributes and become the people our Father in Heaven wants us to become.

While trials may cause heartache and pain, they are also the exact things that will bring us nearer to God. I know with all my heart that our Father in Heaven extends the same promise to each of us, that he gave to Joseph Smith all those years ago in Liberty jail.

“Peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all they foes.”

I know God loves us. May we all continue to have a spirit of joy, as we continue to endure our trials to the end.

Every day is a GREAT day!

A BIG shout out to Aleisha and Calvin for buying us Pizza!

I love you all,

Elder Rupp
-Rengul a Ngalek