Alii everyone I love with all my heart!

Lessons were good this week! “E” is the bomb; but she slept in through church yesterday so we are going to go over the Sabbath day again. “R” is the man and came to church on Sunday and his baptism is on Saturday so stay tuned for pictures of that.

I went to church in Babeldaob with Elder Jenson yesterday and it was great. I love attending church up there!

The “M” family is good we see “J” every night and he tells me all about super hero movies. He is still feeling unsure about baptism. He is progressing though and feeling better every day. His mom should get back from Texas soon.

“E” is golden and is just amazing. All she needs is to get to church. We found out that she chews about seven betel nuts a day; but when we went over the word of wisdom she cut all the way down to one in just three days! Pretty cool. She said it was prayer that really helped her. This Church is true!

Yes, I am still in a “Tripanionship” it is awesome! Elder Jenson is the man!

Transfers were last night and I am still a zone leader for at least the next five weeks. I will probably be a zone leader for a long time. Ha ha

Regarding my testimony… I do not know if there was a specific time I felt my testimony grow substantially all at once. It is more as if it grows a little bigger every day. Most of the times it is so subtle that I do not even feel it growing or even notice that it did, until it is put to the test and I find myself filled with the spirit, and able to testify boldly that this is Gods true church, and that the Book of Mormon is true. I know without a doubt in my soul that this is Christ’s church, and that he lives today. I will stand by that testimony for eternity; and it will never be shaken.

Thank you so much for all you do!

I love you all with all my heart,

Elder Rupp