Alii everyone!

This week was hectic, we just taught like crazy! We taught 40 lessons this week! To say the least, I am pretty tired. ha-ha We have recently met so many awesome people and I am just so excited for them. I just love them so much.

The “M” family is doing fantastic! “J” is getting baptized this Friday, July 1st! I am so excited for her! What better way to celebrate a year on your mission than with a baptism!

It is crazy, it is almost July again… Where is the time going! This upcoming weekend will be crazy too, because we have the baptism on Friday, and then I go back to Guam for Missionary Leadership Council (MLC) again.

This morning we woke up at 4am and drove down to the beach to watch the sunrise. (Picture Attached) IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! After we watched the sunrise we played some frisbee for our morning exercise. It was really fun, but I am VERY tired! ha-ha

The new Sisters are awesome! Sister Nakete, is from Fiji, and served the first seven months of her mission on Chuuk. She is doing super awesome here on Palau, and is a super dedicated worker.

Sister Lesly, is cool too SHE IS SO AMERICAN! Being around someone who has only been out for a few weeks makes me realize how “islandy” and weird I have become! Haha

I just love my mission. The last few weeks have been hard trying to find people that want to listen to us. However, things are starting to look up and I know the Lord is blessing us and helping us every day.

Okay, another cool thing that happened yesterday was that when we went to go see “J”; her little granddaughter from Texas came out, and we asked her how was her day? She replied FANTASTIC! We asked why? She said, because I got to go to church with grandma and grandpa and see you two! My heart melted, and it made my day! She is the cutest, gotta love those Texans!

“C” and his family are doing good. “C” was going to come to church yesterday, but his son took the car! It is ok… next week!

I read something cool in the Book of Mormon today. In Alma Chapter 4, Alma and his people in the seven year of the reign of the judges, baptized about 3,500 souls. About a year later a lot of them had turned against the church and began to be lifted up in pride. They began to persecute those that were staying faithful to the church and enduring to the end. This troubled Alma, so he decides to step down from the judgement seat for a time and to go on a mission to help his people!

Now in verse nineteen is what I find so cool. “And this he did that he himself might go forth among his people or among the people of Nephi that he might preach the word of God unto them, to stir them up in remembrance of their duty… Seeing no way that he might reclaim them save it were in bearing down in pure testimony against them.”

We all have friends or family, all around us that we have fallen away from the church. It is our duty just as it was Alma’s duty to stir them up to a remembrance of their duty to the church, and the blessings that they will receive from being active in the church.

And there is no other way to do this except through our testimony. A testimony is the greatest weapon we have against Satan. I know that as we use our testimonies and bare them frequently, with all those around us, especially those that have fallen away; we will again see a mighty change in their hearts and we will be amazing servants in bringing Fathers children back to him. Oh how great will be our joy.

I Know this church is true.


Elder Rupp