Alii everyone I love with all my heart!

So this week I am back on Guam for the weekend for another MLC.

MLC was so amazing this weekend. (just like it always is) Sister Zarbock did some awesome training on the difference between sacrifice and consecration. I feel like consecration is truly a blessing given to us from our Heavenly Father. I know that the more consecrated I become the happier I feel.

My personal goal these last few weeks can be found in Mathew 16:25 “Whosoever keepeth his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it.” I love this scripture so much.

Missions are hard, and sometimes I find myself losing focus, or worrying about my life outside the name tag. Or I feel like I am trying to save my life; and in those moments, I truly feel like I am losing my life. I feel like I am just trying to hold onto it and keep it from falling apart… but it is not possible! It becomes very stressful. But the moment that I put it all on the shelf, and put my trust in God, and have faith that one day, not now, but one day; he will help me find my life. I am instantly filled with the Holy Ghost and a warm confirmation comes over me again; telling me that… “this is where your heart needs to be. I will take care of you and those you love. Feed my sheep.”

I know that our Father in Heaven loves us. I know this Gospel is true. I know that Christ lives. And I know that our Father in Heaven will never punish us for following him more closely in this life.

I mean that is the plan right? We follow him. We feel happy. Simple as that. Is it not the best plan ever!

May we all strive to be more consecrated and more focused on our Savior each day. Rather than the many distractions the adversary throws in our paths.

On another note…


Palau is doing super awesome right now! Sister Fulcher and Elder Jenson’s new companions are super cool, and are both from Marshal. Those two are going to be awesome trainers!

“U” and “C” are doing fantastic as well. We do not know if they have come to church yet this week, because we have been in Guam. But I Have faith that they did! I love them so much, and they are both so prepared.

I have also recently begun reading the New Testament. I love it so much. I love learning about our Savior’s earthly ministry. I just love Christ, and want to try my best every day, to be just like him! That is all I want in this life, is to be like our Savior; and to teach my future children to love him, and be like him as well.

I love you all! I know this church is true.


Elder Rupp