Alii, everyone I love with all my heart!

Wow, what a week! I do not know what has happened. Ha ha

When I am home back home, no more letter writing… I am just going to call home every Sunday! While I am chilling at Aleisha and Calvin’s house! Ha ha

This week was very good, and it went by so fast. Some good news is we had 4 investigators at church!

“U” is doing awesome! Her marriage papers are almost finalized, and she has almost kicked the betel nut habit. She loves the Book of Mormon. She is so excited for her baptism this coming Saturday!

“S” is also doing very well. She also loves the Book of Mormon. She takes it with her everywhere she goes. So, she can always read it when she has free time. That is so cool! she too is excited for her baptism in a few weeks!

OK, so a random but wonderful thing happened… Elder Bush called our phone the other day! It was so good to hear his Palauan speaking voice!

The work is hard; but it is the best thing in the world, and I love every minute of it!

It is currently raining, so we are probably going to go play some frisbee on the beach, in the rain, so it should be fun!

I know that this church is true, and Jesus Christ lives!

I love you all,

Elder Rupp