Alii, from Guam!

Well I am back in Guam. It is weird to be here without Elder Climer. This is the longest I have gone without seeing him… crazy!

Guam has been good. We had mission leadership council which was very good! I love President Zarbock so much! We have a ton of new zone leaders this transfer. (I am actually now the oldest zone leader in the mission!) Time is going by too fast.

President Zarbock spoke a lot about the attributes of a good leader. I have so much to work on. Which is okay though because, I know that Christ is with me always, and I know he will qualify me for the work.

Some super cool news, our investigator “U” is getting baptized, either this weekend, or next weekend. This week “U” even brought our other investigator and her friend “S” to church with her two granddaughters. So cool and awesome! They all want to be baptized.

We have gone through a lot of struggles lately in the area, but they have all been worth it. I know that the Lord has been blessing us and our investigators, as we have continued to work hard and maintain our faith during our trials. I know the Lord gives us trials to help us grow, and I know that as we endure them well, he will bless us so much. That is just the coolest thing ever!  I love God ha-ha He is the best!

I just finished reading the Book of Mormon again! I love the Book of Mormon so much. I wish I would have actually read it when I was at home. It is just the best, and it is so true. I am thankful God has given it to us. So, if you have not read it in a while, go pick it up and read a little bit. I promise you it will make your day 10 billion times better! I know it is true! And it will make you so very happy.

I love you all and want to thank you for your support and love!

I know that the Sons of Mosiah were the luckiest people on the earth, because they were blessed to serve 14 year missions! Maybe I will ask President Zarbock to lengthen my mission… (sorry Mom ha-ha)

I know that this church is true. I know Jesus Christ lives and loves us all. And I know without a doubt Joseph Smith is a true prophet.



Elder Rupp